
At RTC Speech we...

Address fussy eating through fun oral, visual, tactile and behavioural strategies to be implemented at home.

Develop and practise social language/pragmatic skills; shared problem-solving skills; develop friendships with joint sessions.

Develop age-appropriate production of speech sounds through visual and oral strategies, tactile cueing (prompting) and/or Forbrain® technology.

Support families to manage
challenging behaviours with sibling sessions and our 7-Step Behaviour Plan.

Integrate Therapeutic Listening Therapy™ with specific approaches to support the individual’s development (eg. attention span, auditory processing of information, sensory processing and social/emotional/communication skills).

Offer parent coaching to empower parents to support and develop their child’s communication skills through rich play-based approaches (eg. DIR Model® Floortime™ and Theraplay® Informed Practice.